In the entrance, on the right, at the level of the secretary, the reception waits for you, to make the administrative part:
The waiting room, in front of the entrance, gives you the time to read magazines or to relax in a comfortable chair.
The clinic Dr. Dahot, has two treatment rooms.
* The blue room = where the surgeries are done. For example, the implants.
* The beige room= where the general treatments are done.
Blue Room |
Beige Room |
* The dental clinic has two equipments made in Germany, controled by microprocessors.
* They give a superior confort and precision for the treatments, and they are equipments with a permanent desinfection system.
* The radiographic system is informatized.
* The radiographies are numerics. That allows to have an inmediate diagnostic with an excellent quality of the images, and an reduced irradiation. There is no chemical products.
* There is a panoramique equipment to make a quick and complet 2 D diagnostic.
* There is a Numeric Nikon d 700 equipment with a macro objetive to take the "clichés" and improve the visual communication.
The Dental Clinic Dr. Dahot, has a Sterilization Room, where all the procedures of Hygiene and Desinfection are made.
The Sterilization Protocol for the instruments, includes the desinfection with baths, the thermo-desinfection by the washing machine and the Sterilization by Autoclave Class B under vacuum.
The air is treated by Desinfectant Spray anios (Standard Hospital Norms)
The desinfection procedure is produced with a maximal security using a thermical Desinfection equipment, with fungicidal action, bactericide and virus inactivation.
Step 1 : Transfer of instruments to the Treatment Room.
Step 2 : Elimination of wastes. All the accessories and the instruments used in an intervention, are inmediately submerged in a bath of liquid decontamination.
Step 3 : Cleaning and desinfection. The assistant separates the instruments, and put them with the plates, inside the thermo-desinfector.
Step 4 : Instruments Control. The instruments are controlled at the moment of the discharge from the machine, after the cleaning, desinfection and the drying. The instruments are manipulated with gloves to avoid a recontamination. The damaged instruments are removed from the process. The instruments that do not need the sterilization, are stocked inside a central closet or arranged inside the Room of Cares.
Step 5 : Packaging of the instruments to be sterilized. All the surgical instruments are packed in bags. The set complet of the instruments used for the extractions and the parodontological treatments, are disposed on plates. The endodontics instruments are separated and placed in differents bags. The indicators that change of colors when the sterilization is well done, are placed on the bags, and help in the detection of the sterilization mistakes, showing, which bags where sterilized, and which ones, no.
Step 6 : Sterilization
The sterilization is done inside an autoclave Class b. All the sterilizations are recorded to ensured the trazability ot the sterilized material.
Step 7 : Storage inside conditions of Hygiene. When the sterilization is finished, the bags are removed from the autoclave, the instruments are separated and arranged inside the Room of Cares.
Createur AD - 2010- azurlatina@hotmail.com - Revision mai/2010 - Mentions Legales - Conseil de l'ordre- Annuaire Dentaire-